2014 m. birželio 6 d., penktadienis

Cyberbully (English ,,Virtualūs priekabiautojai" version)

I've just watched the film Cyberbully...

And now I'm feeling horrible. Here is the film description:
'Cyberbully (stylized cyberbu//y) is a television film that premiered on July 17, 2011 on ABC Family. ABC Family worked with Seventeen magazine to make the film, and hopes it will "delete digital drama". The film tells the story of a teenage girl who is bullied online. It was filmed in Montreal.'
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberbully_(film) ).

I know, the description is horrible. So I recommend to watch trailer. It's much more informative.

The film is sad. But it has a happy ending. Bullies were demeaned in school.

I recommend this film for everyone: for victims, for bullies, and for those who are none of them.

And here are some gifs:

Love, and be loved. Strazdas Giesmininkas.

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